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SAMS Norway has partnered up with , Energy Valley and Viken Technology cluster in a project aimed at strengthening the member’s competitiveness and knowledge. From left: Daniel Miravalles (Head of Business Development, Energy Valley), Tore Ausland (Business Manager, Viken Teknologiklynge 4.0 and Administrative Manager, Green Offshore Tech), Torun Degnes (CEO, SAMS) and Pål Teien (Business Development Advisor, Viken Teknologiklynge 4.0. Photo: Daniel Miravalles


Energy Valley, VIKEN Teknologiklynge and SAMS Norway, are joining forces to help our cluster companies and SMEs at Viken fylkeskommune. They will take full advantage of participating in GreenOffshoreTech.


Daniel Miravalles, Head of Business Development at Energy Valley, Tore Ausland, Business Manager at Viken Teknologiklynge 4.0, Pål Teien, Business Development Advisor at Viken Teknologiklynge 4.0 and Torun Degnes CEO of SAMS Norway, met for a kickoff meeting for The Ocean of Tomorrow project in March. Here they discussed the project plan, responsibilities, budget, and upcoming activities.


The 3 clusters complement each other and can together facilitate new value propositions and value chains. The starting point for the collaboration is the granting EU project H2020 Green OffshoreTech (GOT), aimed at SMEs. The Ocean of Tomorrow (OOT) project will enable the cluster companies to take full advantage of participation in GOT.

The sectors addressed are offshore wind energy, offshore aquaculture, green transition for offshore oil and gas, and waterborne green transport.


About Green Offshore Tech

GreenOffshoreTech is a Cluster Facilitated Project with the purpose of supporting innovation in SMEs, fostering the development of the emerging Blue Economy industries by enabling new cross-sectoral and cross-border value chains based on shared challenges, and the deployment of key enabling technologies (KET).

The Ocean of Tomorrow project will contribute to building new competence for the cluster members. By further developing the competence that already exists in the three clusters, they will connect the competence with the possibilities in the Green OffshoreTech project. The result will be new technology and products, increased market knowledge, and a larger international network for the cluster companies.

First call: spring 2022. This will include direct financial support and tailored business support services. The available financing through GOT is around 30 million NOK, up to 600K NOK per initiative, and tailored business support services. 


Prosjektet skal utvikle automatiske logistikkløsninger for sjø og innenlands vannveier. Ca. 32 millioner kroner går til norske deltagere.

Krav til grønnere transport, belastning på veisystemene og plager fra støy og støv gjør sjø- og elvetransportene interessante som alternativ til lastebil. Overføring av gods fra vei til sjø går imidlertid tregere enn ønsket både i Norge og resten av Europa. EU-Kommisjonen støtter derfor prosjektet “Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems” (AEGIS) med 80 millioner kroner for å vise at autonome skip og automatiserte havner kan gjøre transport på vann mye mer fleksibel og brukervennlig. AEGIS skal gjøre Europas transportsystem grønnere og mer fremtidsrettet og tilrettelegge for miljø- og nabovennlige havner, også i byene.

Mer godstransport skal over til sjø

Kartet viser hvor de forskjellige forsøkene er lokalisert. Kart: Sintef

I Norge og Europa er det et klart mål å flytte mer av langdistanse godstransport fra vei til sjø. Dessverre er lastebil både billig og enkelt å bruke, så det er vanskelig å få dette til med dagens sjøtransport. Ved å bruke en kombinasjon av større skip i hurtig linjefart og mange små tilbringerbåter skal AEGIS lage et nytt transportsystem med lite støy og utslipp og med en fleksibilitet som både kan betjene små kaier langs fjordene og i sentrum av byene. AEGIS vil også se på liknende løsninger for å knytte lasteskip direkte til innenlands vannveier i Nord-Europa. Nye løsninger for miljø- og nabovennlige havner i byene er en viktig del av prosjektet.

Hovedideen i AEGIS er full automasjon av lasthåndteringen ved omlasting fra større til små farkoster. Dette sparer transporttid for de store skipene, øker frekvens og fleksibilitet for de små tilbringerbåtene og gjør det mulig å lage nye fremtidsrettede havneløsninger også i byene. Automasjon og effektivitet er essensielt for å redusere omlastningskostnadene som i dag er et stort problem for sjøtransporten. Derfor skal forskere analysere og foreslå tekniske løsninger for tre forskjellige omlastingspunkt fra sjøgående skip til lokale distribusjonssystemer.

Forsøk i Norge, BeNeLux og Danmark

Del A er norsk og ledes av North Sea Container Line i samarbeid med Trondheim Havn. Små tilbringerbåter knyttes opp mot containerskip med omlasting på terminaler ute på kysten. Små båter kan betjene destinasjoner i så vel utkantstrøk som i bynære områder, samtidig som linjeskipet sparer tid ved å slippe å gå inn i fjordene. Del B ligger i BeNeLux området og ledes av DFDS. Det skal knytte DFDS’ godsferger til elvetransport med liknende løsninger som i del A. Del C ledes av Aalborg Havn i samarbeid med Vordingborg Havn og undersøker hvordan automatisering kan brukes for å effektivisere bynære og regionale havner og derigjennom forbedre konkurranseflaten mot vegtransport.

Kalmar og MacGregor, begge del av Cargotec, skal utvikle teknologi for lasthåndtering om bord i skip og i havner. Grieg Connect, skal utvikle digitale løsninger for å støtte automatisk godstransport. Forskningspartnere er Institut fur Strukturleichtbau und Energieffiezienz i Tyskland, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Aalborg Universitet og SINTEF Ocean.

AEGIS er et treårig forsknings- og innovasjonsprosjekt med en total støtte på 7,5 M€ fra Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement N°8599929). 40% av forskningsmidlene går til Norge. SINTEF Ocean som er en del av partnerskapet i SAMS Norway, koordinerer og leder prosjektet.


Les pressemeldingen hos NTB her


Kildn, The world’s first zero emission port is intended to be built in Askøy, outside Bergen. The port is estimated to be completed by 2026. The main goal is for the port to be self-sufficient with renewable energy, and create hundreds of new, green jobs.

The project is developed by SAMS partner – COWI Norge, commissioned by Tertnes Holding AS and Rexir Holding AS. Autonomous mobility solutions together with green energy are used as part of a sustainable future-oriented port.

The port project was launched on Tuesday, May 19 from the Grieghallen in Bergen. Read more about the project here.


The intention is to build the world’s first zero-emission port for international, national and local traffic in Eidsvika on Askøy, outside Bergen. The port will be the first of its kind and will serve as a turning port for cruise ships, as well as a home port for fjord tourism and for the regional blue city lane. Now we are looking forward to good discussions about how the vision can become a reality, says Filip Rygg, CEO of Rexir Holding.


The vision is a direct response to the zero emission ports, the national and international political leaders demand. COWI has drawn up proposals for a new compact and smart port, where the foundation for mobility in the region has been focusing at sea. The vision shows innovative solutions, concepts and principles that have not been adopted before, says Håkon Iversen, Head of Marketing and Development at COWI – who has also been project manager on the assignment.

The task has consisted of visualizing, conceptualizing and realizing the customer’s vision of a new turning port for cruise ships and the home port for Hurtigruta in Western Norway. This has resulted in a vision study in which the overall perspectives establish a new future for a new port.

The port can be an important part of an extensive urban development in the area, with both underwater restaurants, hotel and conference activities, research and other activities related to the energy and destination sectors. The harbor can also become a destination in itself. Rexir Holding believes in major impacts on the entire region, with new jobs in Askøy and the rest of the region.

COWI has developed the vision study for Tertnes Holding and the real estate company Rexir will further develop the project. The government aims to establish emission-free ports by 2030 in its action plan for green shipping.


  • Total area of ground-floor quay foundation of 95,000m2 and public spaces of 55,000m2.
  • Capacity to receive close to 20,000 cruise tourists daily.
  • Produces, stores and distributes own energy using solar cell, battery storage technology and thermal energy extracted from 100 meters of sea depth.
  • The energy solutions will provide enough power using on land, and charging opportunities for sea transport.
  • Hotels, cafes, restaurants and service functions related to shipping and energy sector will be established at the port.
  • The initiator of the project is Tertnes Holding AS, and the property will be further developed by the real estate company Rexir Holding.
  • COWI has developed the vision study Kildn.
  • The project is financed through a partnership model between the actors.
  • EY is working on developing different business models for the project.




Yeti Snow Technology is one of the newest partners of SAMS Norway. Learn more about the company and the CEO Peter Due in an interview in Laagendalsposten, where he talks about his new role in Yeti Snow Technology.

Peter Due starts as CEO of Yeti Snow Technology this year. A company that develops technology for autonomous snow removal vehicles.

Like many other technology companies, Yeti’s employees are all working from home. Truly a challenge for all of us, say Peter Due who comes from a position as Executive Vice President of Yara Birkeland. Yeti is located at Dyrmyrgata 47 and Peter is sitting alone but can’t wait until all is back to normal.

It would have been great to shake hands and talk to people face to face, but it must wait, he says.

Meeting online

Now in the beginning they have had meetings on Skype, and he spends his time getting to know the employees. Nobody knows when the staff will be back in the office, but he has embraced his new role.

I am excited about the technology and the opportunities that exist in the company. Yeti have a huge potential, which over time will be even bigger, says Due.

Due is truly passioned about his leading principals and the importance of given the employees the ability to develop and use their competence.

We are all colleagues, and I am not very concerned with hierarchy. We all have different functions, roles and responsibilities with strengths and weaknesses. With focus on common goal and have fun at the same time, I am certain that all employees will enjoy working and will come to work every day.

Right timing

Due, who has been living in Kongsberg for many years, has been in charge of the construction of Yara Birkeland. And will now lead the construction of autonomous snow removal vehicles.

Is this a natural transition then? Yes, the keyword is autonomy.

Yeti is a subcontractor to Øveraasen on Gjøvik, which has signed a contract with Swedish Avinor, Swedavia, to supply autonomous snowploughs on the airport. Yeti is also developing for other types of construction equipment, and will, among other things, deliver an exciting project to the AF-group this year. Many of those who work for Yeti are employed in Semcon Norway. 15 employees work today for the company and they will increase to 20-30 employees in a short time, according to Due. Yeti was established in 2015 in a collaboration between Semcon Norway Øveraasen and Husqvarna has come on board. An importation milestone with a large player. The company had reached a point where the board would step up the business with a professional, General Manager.

We were looking for a unique person with experience from start-up and business, and now we have found the absolute right candidate for this role, says Hans Peter Havdal.

Havdal is through the position of CEO of Semcon Norway chairman of Yeti and is pleased that they reached agreement with Due.

Other types of jobs

Due is probably known to many in Kongsberg as the one who operated Friluftskompaniet for many years. But after that, he worked in Kongsberg Maritime. First with dynamic positioning, then the walkway project for service on offshore wind turbines and finally as Head of the autonomy program.

That experience gave him the job as Executive Vice President of Yara Birkeland, “door to door” – autonomous, zero-emission transport solution. Yara Birkeland has already started production at Herøya, where containers are automatically filled with fertilizer. The containers are picked up by autonomous and electric portal cranes and load carriers who drives to the quay. Automatic and electric crane both loads and unloads the ship Yara Birkeland. The ship will depart from the quay and sail all by itself either to Brevik or Larvik harbour, the voyage is monitored from a control center on land.

Technology creates new possibilities and jobs. The development of self-propelled units has created a future need for control room operators. In addition to IT competence, the requirements for these operators will be the same for manually controlled units. The difference is that they become responsible for several units in the same operation. This also applies to those who will use the technology provided by Yeti. Autonomy also means increased safety of those who work in high-risk environments, because the employees are physically not at the place where the job is performed.

Passion for technology

Due is not an educated engineer himself, but says he probably would have chosen that direction today.

Technology helps solve problems and help people. Referring to my own Apple TV and Apple watch that I consider important tools in everyday life.

Technology within Healthcare can change life.

As we grow older, the clock will monitor you by sensors who will detect changes in your body. The sensors can control body temperature, blood pressure and insulin levels. If you fall and not be able to get up again, sensors will react and contact your home nurse.

Right know, Peter Due will assist Yeti in delivering technology to autonomous snowploughs and construction machinery. Autumn 2021, the first commercial vehicle will be in operation and available for the customers.

Read the orginal publication in Laagendalsposten here.

Tag Archive for: technology