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Workshop for å Telemark Ring Test Arena for Autonome Kjøretøy og Droner

Kongsberg Innovasjon AS Inngang fra Tordenskiold gate, Kongsberg

Bli med og bidra til å klargjøre den grunnleggende essensen for Nordens mest modern testarena for autonome kjøretøy!Workshoppen er samarbeide med Telemark Ring, SAMS og Kongsberg Technology Cluster.Telemark Ring skal […]


Innovation Leadership Program, Fall 23, CAMP III

Do you want to improve and develop a winning business model? This course has four boot camps and three individual coaching sessions.Welcome to the Innovation Leadership Program, Fall 23, CAMP […]


Innovation Leadership Program, Fall 23, CAMP II

Do you want to improve and develop a winning business model? This course has four boot camps and three individual coaching sessions.Welcome to the Innovation Leadership Program, Fall 23, CAMP […]
